Sacramento Valley Coin Club

Serving Sacramento Since 1957

For your reading pleasure and/or curiosity, below is a bit of SVCC history. We have some recorded minutes as well as a few newsletters written many years ago by our club members. Enjoy.

Historic Newsletters

March 1987
April 1987
May 1987
October 1987

March 1988
April 1988
May 1988
June 1988
July 1988
August 1988
October 1988
November 1988

Historic Meeting Minutes From 1988

January 1988
February 1988
March 1988
March-April 1988
April-May 1988
May-June 1988
July-August 1988
August-September 1988
September-October 1988
October-November 1988
November-December 1988

A sincere thank you to former club president Hank Wavers for keeping this material and more importantly to his wife for bringing this to the club upon his passing.


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